About Me

Hi there! My name is Thanh and I'm a software engineer with a passion for building exceptional websites. My journey into web development began in early 2021 when I started customizing Twitter themes. This experience taught me a lot about HTML and CSS, and from there, my passion for web development only grew stronger.

As a software engineer, I have developed a strong skill set that includes being self-driven, adaptable, and a quick learner. I thrive on taking initiative and transforming ideas into business impact, and I'm committed to utilizing my skills to help companies achieve their goals and further their mission.

In recent projects, I have worked with a variety of cutting-edge technologies:

# Tailwind
# Typescript
# React
# NextJs
# Express
# NestJs
# Tailwind
# Typescript
# React
# NextJs
# Express
# NestJs

Where Ive Worked

Software Engineer @ Visily

2021 - 2022
Visily – Design App:
Engineered and maintained multiple key features for Visily's design app, including drawing shapes, React-components, charts, prototype, smart-connector, mockup-wireframe design, resulting in improved functionality and user experience.
Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams to propose and implement scalable solutions, ensuring the app's scalability, performance.
Utilized a variety of trending tech stacks such as Canvas, TypeScript, React, PostgreSQL, NestJs, WebSocket, and Prisma... to develop high-quality app.
During my time at Visily, I gained valuable experience in software development and engineering while contributing to the success of the company.